Races were major events attracting large crowds and money. This advert shows how businesses would seek to divert some of this money to their venture. This touring showman has created an exhibition commemorating the Bombardment of Algiers, an event which took place the previous year.

The Bombardment was an attempt by Britain to end the slavery practices of the Dey of Algiers. An Anglo-Dutch fleet under the command of Admiral Lord Exmouth bombarded ships and the harbour defences of Algiers.
Although there was a continuing campaign by various European and American navies to suppress the piracy against Europeans by the North African Barbary states, the specific aim of this expedition was to free Christian slaves and to stop the practice of enslaving Europeans. To this end, it was partially successful as the Dey of Algiers freed around 3,000 slaves following the bombardment and signed a treaty against the slavery of Europeans. However, this slavery did not end entirely until the European conquest of Africa.
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